An Atheopagan Journey

This is where I'm going to keep track of my Atheopagan Journey. I'm not sure what will end up being here. But I'll things as they come to me.

November 10 2024

A Ritual for Building Inner Strength

I created this ritual after the 2024 US Presidential Election. I needed to move forward with action and to stop dwelling in paralysis. This is the first ritual I've created and I'm sure this will develop over time. It is important to me that any ritual I create is partnered with real action. While I acknowledge the important of mindset and ritual in creating the space for action, I don't want to fall into the trap of doing things to feel better without actually doing things that are necessary for real change.

Items Needed

  • Two sheets of paper (you may need more, but at least two)
  • Two envelopes
  • A writing implement
  • A way to boil water. Ideally, on a stovetop so you can watch the water boil.
  • A cup for drinking tea
  • Tea that makes you feel good
  • A seed
  • A pot and some soil to plant your seed in
  • A candle and a way to light it
  • Optional: A dish/bowl to burn paper in. If you choose this, ensure you have a way to snuff the fire at hand (water, dish cover)
  • Art/Craft supplies to create a physical reminder of your affirmation
  • Cleaning supplies - at least a dustcloth and a broom
  • Music that you associate with power and strength

The first parts of the ritual should be done in silence. Be present and mindful of the natural sounds that occur, but avoid speaking and do not start your music yet


Start by cleaning the self. Take a full shower washing every part of the body. If this is not possible, at least wash your hands and face. While washing visualise negativity leaving you. This can be pictured as darkness evaporating, or black sludge being washed away. Dress in clean clothes that make you feel powerful. Do you hair and makeup if this helps. As you get dressed visualize this as armour, strengthening you for the fight ahead.

Next prepare your ritual space. You will do this at a table and in your kitchen (when preparing tea). Clean the space by wiping down the table surface you will be using and sweep the floor. As you clean the space, visual negativity leaving the space as you did when you cleaned yourself.

Next prepare your items. Set them all out where you plan to use them. As you collect them and set them down, wipe them down with a dust cloth and visualize negativity leaving as you did when you cleaned yourself.

Once you have prepared your ritual space and set out your items. Boil a pot of water to make tea. Do this mindfully - watch the water come to a boil, be aware of the chemical reaction that is occuring, how the molecules are vibrating faster and faster and shifting from one state to another. You put that process into action. You are capable of changing matter. Select a tea blend that makes you feel good and brew a cup or pot of tea. Drink your tea and be aware that you created this. Remember the boiling water, how it looked as it bubbled into action. Remember the brewing of the tea, how the hot water leached the flavour and aroma out of dried leaves.

Take five deep breaths to center your mind on the intention of the ritual. As you breathe in, take in the cleanliness of the space. As you breathe out, let go of past thoughts and distractions.


Speak a clear intention of the ritual...

I am here to put paralysis behind me.
To leave behind fear and inaction in my past.
I am here to step bravely into the dark.
To step forward with strength and hope.


Start your music.

1. Letting Go of the Past

Sit down at the table you have prepared with your items. Light the candle and watch the flame burn. Be aware of the reaction occuring at the wick, the consumption of oxygen, the release of heat.

On your first piece of paper, write all the things that are holding you back. All your fears and doubts. Anything that you need to put behind you. Once you have finished, seal this in the envelope and place the envelope in the burning dish if you have one. If you plan to burn the envelope do so now and focus on this symbolizing letting go of the past*. Place either the dish of burned ashes or the sealed envelope (if you do not intend to burn it) behind you. You should have your back to the ashes/envelope for the rest of the ritual. Drink your tea and recognize that you are leaving these things behind you.

2. Embracing the Future

On your second piece of paper, write all the things that give you hope. All the resources you have access to - your community, your family, your friends. Write out concrete actions you can take to build the world you hope to live in (e.g., advocacy, donations, activism). This is a place for SMART goals and is an important part of this ritual. Speak out loud your actions and promise that you will do them. Once you have finished, place this in the other envelope but do not seal it - you should be able to return to this later if you need. On the front of the envelope write your promise of action and place it in front of you. Drink your tea and recognize that the hope you have will drive you forward with the actions you have promised to take.

3. Planting a Seed

Plant the seed in the pot of soil. Be aware of the potential that is held in that seed. All the nutrition it needs to grow is already contained in that kernel. All it needs is water and light and you will provide it with these things. Promise the seed to nourish it and help it grow. Place the planted seed in front of you with the envelope. Drink your tea and recognize that just as you can bring forth the life of this seed, you can bring forth the strength for the battle ahead.

4. Create a Visual Affirmation

Using the art/craft supplies you have selected, create a visual reminder of the promise of action you have made. Let your intuition guide how this manifests itself. It could be a quote, or an image, or an abstract representation. Whatever you create, it should remind you of the promise you made to yourself to take action today. As you create your visual affirmation be aware of the power you have to bring about change. The materials you are working with are being transformed into the end product you are creating. You are responsible for its creation. You have power. When you are finished, place your visual affirmation in front of you next to the plant and the envelope. Drink your tea and recognize that you have the creativity to face whatever may arise in the future.

Gratitude & Bendiction

Stop your music and end the ritual again in silence

Snuff the flame on the candle and say thank you for the light and heat it gave you. Say thank you for the part it played in this ritual

Select a place in your home where your plant will grow and flourish. As you place your plant in its home, say thank you for the strength that it gives you. Place the envelope of your hopes and goals next to theh plant.

Select a place in your home for your visual affirmation. This should be somewhere you will see daily and act as a reminder of your goals.

Take the ashes/envelope outside. Be mindful as you step through the door that you are passing from a time when you were held back to a time of strength and bravery. Scatter the ashes on the ground (or a garden, or compost heap). If you did not burn the envelope, bury it in the garden or compost (you can also rip it up before you bury it). This act should symbolize letting go of the things that are holding you back.

Speak a clear intention to end the ritual...

I have put paralysis behind me.
I have left fear and inaction in my past.
I am stepping bravely into the dark.
I am stepping forward with strength and hope.

Take five deep breaths to complete your ritual. Breathe in strength and determination. Breathe out compassion and kindness.

*Do this carefully. If the flame is too big, or looks out of control, snuff/douse the flame. You can also do this in a fireplace or firepit outside.
